Thursday, September 6, 2007

Magnuts the Mafioso....

Being schooled by a 3 year old. Yes.We.Were. One morning my husband could not find his keys. In desperation he said, "kids, please help me find my keys, finder gets a prize!" Keys were found and prize was given. Then two days later his keys disappeared again. He decided to offer another bribe to the finder of the keys, 30 seconds later a 3 year old Magnuts had them in hand. A few days passed and his company ID card came up missing. He asked the kids if they had seen it- Magnuts said, "Is there a prize?" This should have been a clue people-but desperation had clouded Rob's eyes. The pattern continued, crucial item missing, crazed father ripping apart house for it, reward offered, thing found. Then one day I watched Magnuts. He asked his father what he was looking for, inquired if there was to be a prize, then toddled off to the den-lifted a sofa cushion and retrieved the keys!!!!!!! The sneaky little bugger!!!! By this time he had a box full of ill gotten booty-prizes for finding all of the "lost" items!!!


Super B's Mom said...

I like the way that boy thinks.

Anonymous said...

They are so much smarter than we give them credit.

Trixie Twatwaffle said...

He very well could be my hero

Anonymous said...

Bwwwaahahahhahahhaa! Tha kid's a stinking genius. Must try this on husband. Hmmmmm, wonder what sort of prize I could get?

Karen said...

I love that boy.

Mrs. Schmitty said...

It's a bad day when we discover our kids are smarter than we are!

Anonymous said...

Smart kid!

Anonymous said...

HAHA That is priceless! Very smart kid you have!