Monday, March 17, 2008

Welcome to the Redneck Riveria

How about a big DUH. Spring break is not exactly family time in Panama City. If the bumper to bumper traffic was not a clue then the local Wal-Mart should have been. The lines inside wound all the way through the clothing section and well into the sports stuff.

I actually saw a college girl wearing PCB couture...a wife beater that she had written on with a said, "I would rather be drinking."

In the drink section one group was arguing about what beverage to buy. The selection criteria was stringent...what will best hydrate after a night of drinking and wont make us barf.

4 hours after we walked through the doors we were finally ready to leave. On our way out we noticed the "Safe Ride Home" van making a pick-up. When the kids are getting slopping drunk in the line to check out perhaps you should open up all of the registers.

Tomorrow I shall regale you with the story of the boys with the green Afros.


Trixie Twatwaffle said...

So you purposely went to Spring Break Haven during Spring Break?!?!

For the Love... said...

No,we are goofy and forgot about that little fact. We came during the Fall break and it was great...never again though.