Thursday, January 17, 2008

Wedding Story *Snort* Part IV

June 10th 1994

Friday, after Rob got off duty (duty...hee hee hee) we piled into the car and headed for Alabama. My parents were hosting the family reunion at their lake house and there were going to be A LOT of people there. We were both very nervous...

Rob kept asking me how many guns my Dad had...did he have a bad temper...had he ever actually killed a man....I tried to quell his fears so I told him that my Dad does carry a pistol for protection...but that it was not a big deal or unusual...that almost everyone in his office carried one...including my Mom. Funny how that did not make him feel any better....

We made a brief pit stop in Birmingham to see my friend had to have been around midnight and she and her friends met us at a gas station. I introduced all of them to Rob and then introduced him to them as my could have heard a pin drop. Then Katfish, never at a loss for words long, demanded that I produce a Marriage License. She thought I was pulling her leg...and hey, it would have been a good one. I had prepared for this contingency and happened to have a certified copy in the glove box.

I thought she was going to wet herself. She did recover well and there were hugs all around...until she noticed Rob's age on the license..."HE IS 18!!!!???? HE IS 4 YEARS YOUNGER THAN YOU?!?!? SON OF A ......OH MY LORD...." and then she laughed until I thought she was going to die. Then she apologized to Rob, between snorts, and told us good luck.

An hour or so later we arrived at the lake house. It was very dark and very quiet. We eased into the living room and found my cousin Andrew to be the only one awake. I couldn't resist telling him our news, here was his response:

"Great, that's cool, look what your Dad got today!"

It was at this moment that he produced a black case...a black case that held my Dad's brand spanking new giant Tech 9 automatic pistol.

We slept in separate beds that night, didn't want anyone to kill one of us before I could explain that we were married.

The next morning I was up early, and found my parents in the kitchen. I can not recall exactly how I told them that I was married but I do remember them asking me if I was kidding. They went off for a walk, I am guessing to talk privately about what a dumb arse I was, and I woke Rob up so that he could meet them when they got back.

My parents were very gracious about the entire thing...and I think Rob thought they were kidding when my Mom congratulated us but told him that she and my Dad have a "No Return Policy."

When people started arriving in droves for the reunion they had a great time shocking them by introducing my husband. It was trial by fire for Rob...I have a very large family.

So this June will be 14 years and I can without a shadow of a doubt that my family adores him...and so do I.

This is the "Happily Ever After...The End" part.


Sandy said...

"that's nice...look what you're Dad got today." Not quite the shrieking response you got from your girlfriends, eh? There you have the difference between most guys and girls. Girls? Weddings. Guys? Guns.

Congrats on the 14 years and I am so glad that it worked out for you.

Anonymous said...

I must say--Rob is my favorite son-in-law--and also way up on the list of my 10 most favorite adults in the world!! M

Aimee said...


Anonymous said...

I second that emotion!!!! I, however, do remember how you told your parents. When Rob got up, as I recall, you had not told them you were married yet. Then, you introduced him as your HUSBAND!!!! Did i make that up? Or is that how it all went down? It was almost as shocking as the first time Rob met my Groom! Love ya'll=katfish

ps-M-Isn't Rob your ONLY Son in law?