Thursday, August 30, 2007


Magnuts weighing in at 50lbs (with his Gameboy in his pocket) will most likely be the starting safety for his team.......
This is him trying to slip on the field last year to play:
Magnuts- "come on Coach-please...."
Coach- "Quit sneaking out here-get your butt back on the bench!"

Coach sounds mean huh? Well check out the next picture:
Yeah, the guy in red with the lime circle around him is Magnuts....the other guy, or as he will be known from henceforth-GiantBoy, was lined up across from Magnuts. This is one of the last few plays of the game and both teams had put in their smaller players. Yeah, GiantBoy was one of their smaller players.......So we love Coach-he kept Magnuts in one piece last year.

In other football starts tonight-my prediction-LSU is going to beat Miss. St. like a red-headed step child. If it was legal and I had a bookie and lots of disposable income I would be all over that.


Super B's Mom said...

OMG - I LOVE MAGNUTS!! Could he be any cuter??? I just wanna squeeze him and his big 'ole helmet.

LSU is gonna take some names!

Gina said...

Wow! That is a Giant Boy for sure. How cute is Magnuts in that uniform!

Betti said...

oh good grief! I'm glad you're recording all of this for posterity . . or to just laugh your ass off later on . . .

Anonymous said...

You were my inspiration ...

Trixie Twatwaffle said...

OK - that kid (are you sure he's really a kid??) is GIANT. Sheesh.

Magnuts - really - could he be any frickin cuter???

For the Love... said...

Super B's Mom- he is a cute little bobble head - btw LSU finally did come around last night!

Gina-Giant Boy was not the biggest-you have to weigh less than 150lbs to play in this league..some of their boys hovered around 145.

Betti-yeah, I really need this cause their baby books are way behind...


Margaret-No I don't think he could be any cuter...he works hard at it-it keeps him out of trouble.

Y'all Have a GREAT weekend!!!!