Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Vomit Saber

Ok, I saw this in the news yesterday:

"The handheld device using light-emitting diodes to emit super-bright pulses of light at rapidly changing wavelengths, causing disorientation, nausea and even vomiting in whomever it's pointed at."

Alrighty then....I can hear the news stories now-"Family of 5 staggers in circles in store parking lot vomiting -Police are mystified, all blew 0.00 on the breathalyzer-Wal-Mart has no comment." No one saw the 10 year old giggling maniacally while pointing the barf beam through the rear window of his Mom's Taurus.

Don't feel like going to school-turn on Daddy's funny flashlight. Seriously some kid is gonna make a mint helping his buddies get out of tests they forgot to study for. 6th period math test-$10 + a 5 minute detour to the bathroom and you are golden.

I do realize that the fact that I am seeing all the funny inappropriate uses for this thing says something about me- My friend M will read this and say "She ain't right."

It's still funny.......


Anonymous said...

But, the thing is...what IS an 'appropriate' use for something like this? Strange.

Anonymous said...

Wives everywhere who don't feel like putting out and the old headache routine no longer works now have a new tool in their arsenal.

Guilty Secret said...

I second Chase's question... this is weird!

Super B's Mom said...

I'd like to use this little gem on my sister in law.

Did I just say that outloud?

Gina said...

A trip to my MIL's is coming up, where can I buy this?

Gina said...

For ME, of course.

steph! said...

I found you through "the queen" and cannot focus on commenting on this vomit light because I am too busy laughing my butt off about the "Magnuts" story I just read. As a mother of a 5 yo boy I am now going to go hide anything magnetic in the house...

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA @ Nikki's response!

Lainey-Paney said...

I agree with Chase's comment.
What is an appropriate use for this????

Trixie Twatwaffle said...

Where did you find this? Seriously

For the Love... said...

Chase, Guilty Secret, Lainey-Paney- It supposed to be a nonlethal stand off weapon for law enforcement. Like a bean bag gun or taser I guess. It should be able to drop some idiot holding hostages through the walls.

Nikki-Only if he is the one that gets to hurk, lol!

Super B's Mom-yes you did, no worries I bet we all could thing of someone we might like to zap with this thing.

Gina-for you? suuuure....hee hee hee

Steph!- Glad you made it by!

Chelle-me too, but only if husband is the sick one-I did enough of that having 3 kids...

Margaret-Hummm you thinking about pointing it out a window the next time your neigbors are having a "pool party"? This is the company developing it:

Betti said...

Wow, I'd have way too much fun breaking up loud underage parties in my (college) town!

I'm being a meeeean pregnant lady, if I can't enjoy rum, I don't want students to enjoy it either.