Sunday, June 17, 2007

Dear South Alabama Electric,

Last night my power went off. I believe we have had this conversation before but, I HATE it when the power goes off. It sets into motion a series of events that are unpleasent:

1. lack of fan noise wakes me up

2. I stagger to the kitchen, in the DARK, find phone from 1970's and attempt to locate phone jack

3. find number, call you, listen to insipid recording

4. return to bed and wait, while snoring husband annoys the hell out of me

5. begin to sweat, house becoming hotter than 40 hells

6. smack husband because there is no white noise to even take the edge off of the wall shaking snoring

7. power eventually comes back on, reset clocks so that the flashing 12:00 will not be burned into my retinas

8. attempt to go back to sleep

9. Answer phone 10 minutes after I have gotten back to sleep only to discover it is a FRICKIN recording from YOU letting me know that the outage has been fixed.

10. wake up to no coffee because while I remembered to reset the time I was too out of it to remember the brew timer. Yeah, that one could be my fault, but it still hacks me off.

Pissy and sleepy,



Trixie Twatwaffle said...

Hey - we talked about you at MamaDramaConQueso yesterday. you SOOOOOO should have been there.

Anonymous said...

story of my life!!!! you crack me up!!! BTW, you seem to be a lot funnier to my sister than i am!!! Score, 1 for you girl!

Anonymous said...

The husband snoring? Story of my life! Do they swallow freakin' freight trains before they go to bed or something?!?!?!

For the Love... said...

Nikki-I don't know but with out the fan noise I want to put a pillow over his face..Just kidding...

Katfish - quit stalking me, jk have fun with the coeds in the new place!

Magaret-YOU ARE KILLING ME I read about how much fun it was on MamaDrama and on your blog...Ya'll are all having fun and I was at the baseball field ALL DAY. I didn't even get a tan...

Aimee said...

I hate that flashing 12. it's so daunting to have to change ALL THE CLOCKS.

This is why I use my cell phone for an alarm clock now. I'm lazy.

Phoenix said...

Oh I friggin despise them calling you back to tell you your power is back on. Like you won't figure it out.