Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Put Down The Screwdriver And Step Away.......

The FlyingMonkeys and I think that a Wii would be a great family Christmas present. However, my husband wants an XBOX 360.

He plans to crack it open and screw with it guts until it does freaky shite that it was never intended to do. Like when he "fixed" my old TIVO. By fixed I mean he made it so that he could log on to it from WORK and scare the crap out of me. I would be folding laundry and a TIVO message would pop up, "Hey Babe, watcha wearing?" If that was not enough to give me a heart attack, he could also change the channels.

I finally had to lay it out for him, "Do you really think I am going to let you mess around with a BRAND NEW VERY EXPENSIVE Christmas present????? So he pouted and buried his head in his laptop...guess what he was looking at? Ways to screw with the Wii-

Did you see her bowl! Bwhaaa haaa haa!

I know its funny, but folks this is a slippery slope....he is already looking for ways to "adjust" a toy we don't even have yet.....Do they make a little Wii lock?


Anonymous said...

i don't get it. is that really how it works? remember, we are a household of girls only, besides daddy. they aren't into the video game stuff!
ps-do you ever check your email?

Anonymous said...'s called with holding "favors".

Queen of the Mayhem said...

That would scare the wadding out of me!

I say....keep it under lock and key when you are not in possession of it. It is the only way! :)

Phoenix said...

Take it to work with you? I would have freaked out when it talked to me.

Anonymous said...

Holy Talking Tivo, Batman! I would have been looking around for the candid camera (after I finished peeing my pants). Time to rig up a booby trap for the future game system, I guess.

Sabrina said...

First of all, the name of the Wii freaks me out entirely. What exec thought a bodily function was a good gaming system name? That TiVO business is crazy. . .good luck with protecting your Wii from the hubby. ..

mommiebear2 said...

That was hilarious!!

Anonymous said...

That was funny! Invent a game device that could finally get those fat little geeks off the sofa, and then find a way to put them pack again, brilliant! Now we just have to sit back and wait for all the cases of quadriplegia to start rolling in.

Oh yeah, I don't envy your position, living with that level of technical expertise could be a real pain.

Anonymous said...

i was kind of thinking you might add how your hubby was experimenting w/ the drill putting together the play fort only to realize he screwed himself!!!- But, I always can LMAO all by myself thinking about the crack to the groin when you threw that thing at him on accident!!!!

Anonymous said...

FRUIT LOOPS! I was shaking my head over the absurdity until I saw the serving bowl full of fruity goodness.

I'm getting a Wii. And that t-shirt.

Anonymous said...

ok, i get the Wii thing now. it is my ADULT friends who are telling me all about it! how much do those things cost? I am thinking about getting one for a crosstraining tool instead of biking in the hot alabama hell!!! Love you and miss you-Katfish