Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dear South Alabama Electric Coop,

In you recent letter you reminded me that I am not only a customer but an owner. Apparently I should have long since taken a more active roll; consider this a Memo from Management.

First let me tell you what you did correctly:

Updating our power lines to improve service is a good thing.

Sending customers/owners a letter alerting them to this action and the power outage that it will cause is also a good thing.

Now, to the other:

Mid July, really? Is this really the best time to shut down power for 3 hours? really?

What about November? A month when it probably won't be 90 degrees by 11am AND THE KIDS WILL BE AT SCHOOL!

When they are home and the power shuts down the FlyingMonkeys flock to me like chiggers to underpants. Because I am an owner of the power company they want answers. This sweaty discourse breaks down as they ask me "what did you do back before there was electricity?"

Obviously the pressures of being Management were getting to me because my response was less than motherly and ended with me telling them to call their Grandmother if they really wanted to know. Of course they couldn't do this because our non-cordless, circa 1980's phone is on a shelf so high that the only person in our house that can reach it was sitting in his nice air conditioned office far far away....a ladder was just too much trouble.

You warned me that the power would be turn about is fair play.

If you EVER intentionally cut power in the middle of summer when the kids are home, this Owner will be delivering all 3 of her little Share Holders, un-medicated, to your office for the duration. When you crack, and you will, anyone in your office that has retained the ability to walk will be able to find me in the parking lot enjoying the quiet hummm of my car's AC.

That is all.


Trixie Twatwaffle said...

Even tho I secretly want you to adopt me becaues I think you are the coolest people EVER, I have to admit, not so much on the whole "please adopt me" thing without the electricity (AC). I'm sorry, this pregnant chick has her limits.


Now go kick some electricity arse.

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Oh! Blesss you. I hope it's better and on.

For the Love... said...

Margaret-I hear you about the AC...I was not kidding about going to their office...

Leigh-thanks! Considering last month's bill was $400 (with the therm. set on 78) I may be a little testy when it comes to them....

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

no doubt!!!!!!!!! Hey can send me your email address? I wanted to put you on the spot.

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

mine is on my profile

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

nevermind found yours where mine is. DUH!