Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Teacher of the year....not.

Last year the three 6th grade teachers had every student write one nice thing about every student in their class. The teachers then compiled a list for each student of all of the nice comments...leaving off the authors of each statement.

MonkeyBoy happens to be in the new 6th grade teacher's class and we have had issues with her all year. The kids seem to have learned more about her love life and where she buys her clothes than anything else.

She decided to take part in the "nice list". However, she did not create an anonymous compilation for each child...she stood in front of the class, identified the author of each list and then read their comments about all of the other students.

One little girl said something very sweet about MonkeyBoy, the teacher read her comment and then chuckled as she described it as "a bit dramatic."

My heart goes out to this girl. She wrote something that she had every reason to believe would be anonymous and not only was it not...the teacher mocked her.

Thank God we only have 2 days of school left....


Mrs. Schmitty said...

Are you freaking kidding me? I'd report her.

Willow said...

Teacher needs a boot to da head. Seriously.

Trixie Twatwaffle said...

don't make me come there and kick some teacher arse.

Cause I will

Super B's Mom said...

I say we all pay that teacher a visit after school......

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Awww! That is terrible! Terrible! Booo!!!! HISSSS!!!
Is she fresh from college and not experienced in what one should and not do and should and should not say?
Geez, thank goodness its almost over.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe her. Sounds like she needs to go. I think she needs a majoy wedgie.