Thursday, September 13, 2007


Last night after leaving football practice I stopped to get gas and some Diet Sprite. Wandering around with MonkeyBoy and Miss-D looking for a 2 liter of Diet Sprite or 7-up we ran into one of MonkeyBoy's friends.

MonkeyBoy's Friend: "What are y'all looking for?"

Me: "Some Diet Sprite or Diet 7-Up"


Me: *stopped in my tracks* "What tha!!!!! Why in the world you yell something like that!?!"

Miss-D: "I didn't want him to think you were getting it because you are on a diet...duh."

Thank you....I will be here all week.


Anonymous said...

omglmfao!!!!! i know you know what that means!!!! I am cracking up! a friends child was being tested last week for gifted classes. they had to put a "puzzle" together that was blank shapes. she put it in the shape of a bed, then did one in the shape of a wine glass!!!! Her mom's friend was doing the test, and laughed her butt off and called her at home to let her know her kid did that!! Momma likes to nap, and drink wine!!!!!

Super B's Mom said...


Now THAT cracks me up.

Anonymous said...

That is pretty freaking hilarious. Ha! Where in the hell do they come up with this stuff? Obviously it's much better for people to think of you as an alcoholic instead of a diet. I will remember that for future reference!

Phoenix said...

Ah so it's time for the keep your mama's secrets, cause she buys your clothes talk, huh?

Anonymous said...

That is so freaking funny!
Shesh, Mom! Just trying to help you out!

Trixie Twatwaffle said...

I just spit on my computer

THAT is a funny and smart child

Betti said...

you are a gal after my own heart! Before I got pregnant, I always had a 2 liter of generic diet lemon-lime on hand in case I found myself in the mood for vodka! The sad thing is taht I liked to drink it out of a giant (ice filled) lidded cup with a curly straw that either has Kermit the Frog or Ariel the Mermaid attached to it. Me thinks I'll need to come up with a more mature arrangement so I'm not constantly defending my drinkie-poo from tiny hands . . .

For the Love... said...

Hey guys its miss d here. I would just like to say thank youthank you very much

mommiebear2 said...

LOL! That is perfect! Whenever we go out to eat somewheres that happens to have a bar, my daughter will alwyas point out the Bud Lite signs and then tell people how that is Mama's favortie beer....