Thursday, January 24, 2008

Basketball Jones

So the boys love the game NBA Jams. None of us play or watch basketball so I was surprised that Magnuts really took to it and became the undisputed champion...complete with trash talk. Well, kind of.....

A few days ago I was cooking and kind of listening to him play. I peaked my head in the room just in time to see his tallest player catch fire and make a 5 point shot from the hot spot....causing Magnuts to yell..."OH YEAH CHENILLE! BOO-YAA!"

What? Chenille? Poor Shaq.

This was almost as good as him yelling at his friends to come have a "cuddle up" between plays on the football field...


Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

to cute. use it!!!1

Sandy said...

I think if Shaq has a daughter he might want to considser Chenille as a name. It has a certain ring to

PS: My grandson got magnetix for Christmas and everytime he plays with them, I think of YOUR son!