Thursday, February 7, 2008

Gonna Need To See Some ID...

Miss-D will be taking the ACT Saturday morning. I was just looking through some of the related paperwork and noticed that she will need to provide a photo ID.

Ahem...she is 12. I remembered that she has a passport and let the worry go...until I thought about the fact that it is 9 years old. She looks a little different now.

The paper did say that a year book photo would suffice. I forked out $30 for her to get one in 5th grade...and lost my frickin mind when what showed up was a 40 page, paper back, piece-o-crap. If it gets her into the test it will have almost been worth it.

There is a girl in her grade who acutally could provide a driver's license. How goofy is that? If you have your 16th birthday while still in middle school you should not be allowed to drive. Any person who has made such crappy choices that at 16 they have lunch with a bunch of 12 year olds sucking on juice boxes and telling booger jokes obviously does not have the judgement to be opperating a 2 ton vehicle.

/rant over....


Anonymous said...

why do they take the ACT that young? I dont remmeber taking ours until high school, and I am doing damn good to remember anything about high school! didn't we drink a case of beer together the night before I took mine????

Sandy said...

Why are they taking college entrance exams in middle school? Is being 12 not enough stress all by itself?

I am so glad my kids are grown....

Anonymous said...

I took my ACT when I was a Senior. Do they make kids take them younger now?