Thursday, August 2, 2007

My Head Thumpith...

The kids are driving each other and by extension me..nuts. The cycle breaks tomorrow....we are going fishing. I promised Magnuts that we would go for a while by ourselves and we are both excited. I will take them all indivdually-the idea of the 4 of us and 4 flying hooks makes me nervous...too many chances to loose an eye. So one last chance before school starts for me to spend a little time, alone, with each one of them. A quiet minute to talk about how they feel about the new school year and anything else on their minds.

School starts the 8th, Praise the Lord, God Bless America, pass the Motrin......


Anonymous said...

I CANNOT WAIT for my stepson to go back to school. It's like summer vacation brings out the inner whining monster in them!

(I moved to Typepad!)

Anonymous said...

I just cannot believe school starts so early now! I remember when it was pushed back to the end of August and everyone raised hell.

Of course we had no AC at school. And couldn't wear shorts.

Aug 8, Alabama, no shorts - I think I would have dropped out!

Trixie Twatwaffle said...

holy crap does school start early....

Anonymous said...

Things do seem so early but the kids get out earlier too now ...

Phoenix said...

the 8th of August? Dam they just keep making it earlier and earlier don't they?

My niece starts the 22nd and I thought that was early.

J. A. Blackburn said...

School starts the 8th? That's wacky! But great for you!