The field in front of him would be the last known location of the male goats....
I let each child choose their "birthday dinner." Years ago MonkeyBoy wanted, and I quote, "a platter of scambled eggs, a platter of jelly toast, and a platter of spagetti." He ate a huge plate of spagetti (not just pasta, but pasta with meat sauce) with a generous side of scrambled eggs and jelly toast..blech...
Magnuts wanted cookies, chocolate chip cookies....So I made 80 mini cookies, by made I mean-pulled them apart and threw them in the oven. I also brought chocolate cupcakes with sprinkles to his baseball practice last night. I was sure that after a diet of cookies with a cupcake chaser one of two things would happen: 1. He would engage in the technicolor yawn all over the pitcher's mound or 2. He would have the fastest lap time in the history of little league baseball.
Yes, Coach T. you are welcome............
Happy birthday to Magnuts. Love the name by the way. ;)
We always got to choose our dinner too....with some mixed results. Spagetti and toast with jelly makes me want to vomit a little.
Blech - you should keep a record of the birthday feasts somewhere - if only to gross out your children years from now . . . :)
Happy Birthday Magnuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Phoenix - Thanks! yeah I could not eat that dinner..I threw up a little in my mouth...
Betti - Good idea! Maybe one day in the future he will be grossed out, but MonkeyBoy would have that for dinner TONIGHT!
Margaret - I will pass it along!
Happy Birthday Magnuts!!
You have a no-photo policy but you post one of your son in his underwear? You're my kind of girl.
Bahahaha. Happy Birthday Magnuts!
I may need to try that cupcake/cookie diet to get through this day. Mondays. Hmph.
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