Saturday, June 9, 2007

Only 61 days and 2.5 hours......

Magnuts: "Mom do we get a prize if we behave"

Me: "Sure, I'll let you live"

Dear School,

I miss you so much. I knew our love affair was coming to an end. All of the signs were there, awards day, turning in of the books, the giant padlock on the gate.....

I thought this summer would be different, but my friends Summer Reading Program and Baseball All Stars have really let me down. I don't want to seem all needy and stuff, but really don't the words "Year Round" mean anything anymore?

Until August,



Anonymous said...

My 12 year old step son will be on summer vacation next week. Why is it that when summer break starts, kids manners go right out the door and they behave like a pack of wild monkies?

For the Love... said...

Nikki- I have no idea, but am considering adding a bootcamp element to this summer. Running in the house = 5 laps around the yard. Kicking brother in leg = 30 situps + 3 laps...

At least it might wear them out a little....